When I was a freelance writer, I had a pretty tight schedule. Since I also held an office job, was a single mom of four children and a first-time home owner of a 100 year old home (read: much maintenance--on my own!), I had to be on top of my game.
So, my days would go like this: wake up at 6:00 am and do an hour of yoga, get the kids up and ready for school, head out to the office, put in my 9-5 and then get the kids from after school care. We'd all get home, I'd cook dinner, help the kiddos with homework and chores/ baths/ night time rituals and then I would sit down to my computer to begin writing. Often times, I'd be up until midnight or later working on assignments.
That is, usually, I was on top of my game. I shared custody with my ex-husband, who lived only a few blocks away. The kids were with me five days and then with him for five days, and during my "off" time, I did not always keep to my schedule. Because I didn't have the kids, I gained about five extra hours a day, essentially.
"This is great," I remember thinking. "I have so much time to focus on my writing!"
Well....not exactly. My once rigid schedule turned into this: up at 7:00 for an hour of yoga, ride my bike to the office. Put in my 9-5 or 6 or 7. Meet friends at the neighborhood pub du jour for a drink and a sandwich. End up staying until 10 or 11. Get home and tell myself I would focus on writing--- "tomorrow."
This usually repeated itself over the next three days and on day five, I'd really crack down, feel the pressure and produce my work. It worked. I produced. And it was good. But....I was not proud of myself for handling my schedule the way I did.
I would play mind tricks with myself, telling myself that, because I had so much "extra" time, I could wait until later to write that article/ do the laundry/ do my yoga. And now, I feel as if I am falling into this same mind trap. Since I've been a "stay-at-home" worker/ mom again, I haven't stuck to any schedule at all.
And now with looming deadlines, I'm starting to feel a little pressure, a little stressed out, if you will.
This past weekend, we went to the Lavender You-Cut Festival at Lakeside Lavender Farm in Nampa. As we walked up the long drive, the scent of lavender wafted over us and I began to feel somewhat relaxed.
There were a lot people, for sure--mostly middle aged women living out their French Country fantasies and the husbands who escorted them (and that description fits me, too!) There were lots of bees, too, as you can imagine, with over 1500 lavender bushes. But the bees were happy and drunk on nectar and didn't seem to mind us chopping away at the flowers.
We enjoyed the day in the hot, hot sun, and with the humidity, it felt a little like Iowa to me! At the end of it all, we indulged in homemade lavender ice cream while we listened to the jazz-fusion band hired to entertain everyone. In all, it was a good day.
Today I finished a project I've been working on...bunting flag. This one (below) is called "Bliss" because it portrays inspirational words (such as bliss, joy, hope, love...) on some of the pendants. Also because these little flags make me happy! I tell you, it's the little things in life that make it such a big deal!
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