Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Day or Thanksgiving Day?

What do you call it? I used to thoughtlessly call it Turkey Day, myself. A day to get together and eat? (Being a foodie, you know that I'm there!) But in recent years I've had a complete turnaround on that thought. This year I am thankful for so much and I want to give the day it's proper due.

My family will be sharing dinner with a new group of friends and I'm excited to share this yummy dish (an homage to my French heritage); Sweet Potato gilette. I got the recipe from Epicurious, but here is a picture of the galette (pre-baked). I will report back on how it tasted, but I'm guessing it's gonna' be delish!

As far as gratitude goes, well...there is so much! I'm thankful for my fiance, Barry, who is a never ending source of support and love. I am thankful for my kids--each and every one of them--and I am thankful for my granddaughter and soon to be second grandchild! I am thankful for our health, our house (be it ever so humble, it is HOME!) and thankful that I live in a country that allows me to practice my religion without fear of imprisonment. I am thankful for my mom and my dad, for my grandparents (even though they have all passed on I know they are still with me!), for my numerous aunties and uncles who offer support and encouragement and intelligent conversations! I am thankful for my extended family and distant cousins, who, even though we don't get to see each other very often, are all present via the Internet and Facebook! (love it!). I am thankful that I am able to go back to school after all of these years and further my education and pursuits of career, dreams, happiness. I am grateful that, as a woman, I have a choice in career options. I am ever grateful for all the blessings my God and Goddess bestow upon me and my family, however small they may be, however ambitious they may seem...for this and for so, so, so much more, I am grateful.

And so now you might understand why I choose to call the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day instead of Turkey Day. If we are to be relegated to one day per year, then I will give this day it's proper respect and address it with a "Happy Thanksgiving Day!"

1 comment:

  1. That looks sooo delicious!! Miss you! Let's get together and craft one of these weekends... that was so fun!
