Monday, June 21, 2010

Porcelain French Court Lamp

I love this boudoir lamp! It's so romantic!

I'm at a loss for what to call it. I immediately thought "French Courtesan Lamp." And then I looked up the definition:

(kôrt-zn, kr-)
A woman prostitute, especially one whose clients are members of a royal court or men of high social standing.

[French courtisane, from Old French, from Old Italian cortigiana, feminine of cortigiano, courtier, from corte, court, from Latin cohors, cohort-; see gher-1 in Indo-European roots.]

WHICH....this could still work, except that I don't like the negative connotations associated with the word. So I will just pretend that they are members of Marie Antoinette's royal court, her friends, whom she enjoyed dancing with (and for.)

What I really like about them is the fact that they are more of a matte ceramic finish coupled with the antiqued brass base. It has just enough vintage wear to make it yummy! The creamy white matte porcelain and the antiqued brass base would really enhance a french cottage decor. It's got that timeless faded and love-worn look.

I'm thinking that I might even pull these from my inventory and use it in my own bedroom as a bedside lamp. The only reason I have listed it for sale is because I've got too many irons in the fire and no time to rewire it.

Although, I hear it is pretty easy to rewire lamps. Hmmmmm....

They are lovely, aren't they?

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